Tag Archives: lies

The Haves vs the Have Nots

I wonder how it is that people have the time to talk about discrimination concerning one race against the other, when I’ve yet to see a race that doesn’t discriminate within itself?

How is it that we can talk about racism from one color to the next, yet look down on people that look just like we do because they make less, believe differently, eat differently, dress differently?

Isn’t that ironic?

There is an easy way to help us all check our stereotypes and egos:

1. Before you speak on others, look at yourself.
2. Do not get wrapped up within the media, they are only there to divide and conquer.
3. Think, say, and do something nice towards another person daily.
4. Rebuke actions and not people.
5. Last, but not least, stay humble and empathetic, because it is through those characteristics that we are able to see things for what they truly are.

Not all people of any one race is one thing and it is purely ignorant to think that way. If God is ALL, and we claim to love God, how can we not love all?

We are all different because we all serve a different purpose, yet we are all from the same. If you truly want to be upset about anything, be upset about
the rich, no matter what color, that are selfish. Be upset about people in powerful positions that don’t promote the general welfare of the people, no matter their color. Be upset about the controlling and dividing systems. But do not show hatred against your neighbor.

How is it that someone that is on television, that we’ll probably never meet, can cause a racial divide within a community? How is it that we can speak to/see each other every day, but then some political stance (or even something as minor as a sports debate) have us looking at someone we spoke to/saw daily as now the ultimate enemy?

We have to wake up people. We are not their cattle to be emotionally, spiritually and physically herded into whatever direction is “trending” at the time. We have to KNOW and have FAITH and stop following these characters blindly. Find your purpose. Find peace.

Knowing vs Believing

Many people are running off of hope and not faith. It does not matter what you have hope in or what you have faith in (I’m not here to decide or judge what your religious or spiritual system should be — or lack thereof). But the difference between having hope and faith is simple: Hope is believing. Faith is knowing. Being hopeful is being uncertain, being faithful is a decision.

Knowing holds much more weight and energy/power than a belief. Knowing does not mean that what you know cannot be changed or adapted. Knowing requires research and experimentation. But a belief is something that can be equated to anything taught/learned without question, research, or first person experience/exposure.

Do not be afraid to question or test out your beliefs, yet remain open enough to receive the solutions and results. Do turn your beliefs into knowing and realize that there will be a shift in your life.

Keep faith alive.

The Open-Minded versus the Intellectually Close-Minded

I’ve noticed that a lot of people claim to be open-minded, but what IS “being open-minded?” I don’t know all of the technical definitions, but the street definition seems to be anyone that can think above those that they are around. Now…is that a true open-mind or is that simply a logical or rational mind?
There is nothing wrong with being logical or critical within your thinking. Those are some absolute, necessary steps towards becoming open-minded but they do not DEFINE an open mind.
Some people that I’ve encountered have claimed to be OM’ed, but I’ve noticed that it only goes to a certain extent. It’s as if they surround themselves with people that they think could never “out-think” them. They will banter back and forth with those that they believe are ignorant. They will implant new ideas into the minds of those that may have never thought about things in a certain way, BUT as soon as they meet a fellow OM’ed person, then they will shut down or just disagree with everything that is being said because it goes beyond their perceived intellect of themselves or the person that they are speaking to. Nothing around them ever seems to “make sense” because it doesn’t fit into the mold of their mind.
That is a close-minded intellectual.

Continue reading The Open-Minded versus the Intellectually Close-Minded

What is GRAVITY??

Have you ever noticed how quickly people are to believe what someone else tells them even if it goes against their senses? And yes, common sense included…

Let’s take the term “gravity” for instance. For as long as we can remember we have been told that gravity is what holds us all together on this globe-model Earth while moving at these incredible speeds. We are told that gravity is what caused the “big bang.” We are told that gravity, in concert with the moon, controls the tides. And let’s not forget these geniuses that discovered (Sir Issac Newton) and supported the concept of gravity (Einstein).

But have you ever actually thought about gravity? Not just thought about what you’ve been taught, but about your personal experience with it? continue reading